Rewriting The Margins

Thank you for your interest in Rewriting The Margins, my free mentoring scheme for under-represented writers.

About me:

I am the author of three novels, a novella and a large number of flash and short fiction, and short creative non-fiction (see here). I write across several genres including literary, reading group, historical, speculative, science-fiction and fantasy, and memoir; I’ve taught creative writing in schools, run workshops, am part of a University of St. Andrews critique group, and am a regular beta reader for several published authors writing SFF, thriller, YA and other genres. (Read other stuff about me here)

I run this mentoring as I would like to use the skills I have developed over nine years of publishing to help raise the voices of other under-represented writers (please see here for a blog post about that). I myself am mixed race, live with disabling illnesses and come from a working-class background so I understand some of the barriers that face many other writers and hope that by helping where I can, I might at least nudge one or two of those barriers a little lower.

About the mentorships:

My mentorships work like this:

  • They are free. Financial limitations and marginalisation often go hand in hand, so no charge.
  • Health-permitting, I take on 2 mentees every other month (January, March, May, July, September & November). Using the hashtag #RewritingTheMargins, I put out a shout on my Twitter & Bluesky accounts to invite next month’s mentees. DM me by the deadline given to add your name to the list. No details other than your name are needed at this point.
  • I choose people randomly – no quality or ‘worthiness’ assessment. The programme is open to anyone from any marginalised group (BIPOC, LGTBQI+, Disabled/chronically ill, d/Deaf or working class etc). If you aren’t sure if you’re eligible, DM me on Twitter or use the contact form.
  • I can offer three options:
    1. Critique package of the opening 3 chapters of a novel up to around 10,000 words.
    2. Critique package of 1 or 2 short story(s) up to a combined total of 8,000 words.
    3. Critique of a cover letter, brief synopsis & opening chapter (up to around 3,000 words).

For the chapters/stories, I will focus on the structure and narrative strength of a story, providing thorough, balanced and constructive feedback on character, setting and plot. It will not be a fine line-edit but will provide direction in how to bring out your story’s voice and help you fully engage your readers, focusing on aspects like plot structure, world building, characterisation, voice and pacing. If English is not your first language, let me know and I will provide a more language-specific edit as well.

For the cover letter and synopsis, I will focus on making them both as clear and attention-grabbing for agents & publishers as I can. You can also ask any questions you may have about the submission process and your possible next steps.

  • It will be email only. I find zoom/calls too taxing to my health so I’ll stick to written feedback only, but I am happy to take follow up questions. If email access is difficult for you, DM me on Twitter and we can discuss alternatives.
  • If you have been selected, I will give you an email address to which you can send your work. I’ll ask you to tell me a little bit about your story and what you are looking for from me e.g. are you getting ready to submit and want a final polish or is this a first draft that you want help kicking into shape (either is fine!). I will confirm receipt & get my feedback back to you within the month.
  • I will not ask you to disclose any personal information you aren’t comfortable sharing. I trust you to respect the eligibility criteria.
  • For privacy purposes, I will delete all your files from my records within three months of our working together, or earlier at your request, and (obviously) will not share your work/details with anyone else.