About me…

Hi, thank you for visiting my page. I am an author of multiple novels, novellas (okay, one so far, but there’s more coming), and short stories. I also run writing workshops and a mentorship programme for under-represented writers – Rewriting The Margins.

My stories range across genres but always carry themes of identity, belonging and the legacy of trauma. The wilderness is never very far away from my characters, and folklore is always there whether hidden in the shadows or centre stage.

I live by the sea in Scotland. The east coast, so we get no snow in winter and endless haar in summer. All of my Burmese genes vociferously object to Scottish winters, but I’ve so far failed to drag my family away (and Scotland does have its up sides, to be fair, but it’s January now so I’ve forgotten what they are). I have a PhD in animal behaviour and spent many years working in behavioural conservation in various parts of the world (most of them considerably warmer than Scotland). When ill health made me leave academia, I turned to writing and fell in love. I am still a spoonie, living with disabling illness; I am still in love with writing. I also like semi-colons. 

More interestingly, I am inordinately fond of geckos and bats, and feel like one or (preferably) both ought to occur in every piece of writing. I once had a treefrog called Algernon who lived in my sink and another called Tobermory who preferred the bookshelf. I have been stalked by wolves, caught the bubonic plague, and had a Madagascan python use me as a hot-water bottle. 

Thank you for visiting my site & happy reading. 

…A gecko! And…
…A bat!!

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